Running Away from Fats and Calories? Try These 3 Effective Fat Burning Running Workouts

Last modified: October 3, 2018

Running Away from Fats and Calories? Try These 3 Effective Fat Burning Running Workouts



Vivotion Running Away from Fats and Calories? Try These 3 Effective Fat Burning Running Workouts Are you ready to run and torch those unwelcome calories in your tum-tum? This article provides 3 effective fat burning running workouts! Find out more here. 4710
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Running Away from Fats and Calories? Try These 3 Effective Fat Burning Running Workouts unnamed Are you ready to run and torch those unwelcome calories in your tum-tum? This article provides 3 effective fat burning running workouts! Find out more here.

Running Away from Fats and Calories? Try These 3 Effective Fat Burning Running Workouts

We’re living in a world where foods are undeniably powerful, if you know what I mean. You will feel defeated and attacked just by looking at them, I mean, we’re talking about food here, how can we ignore them, right?

Plus, we can’t run away from fats and calories owing to the fact that we’re living life to the full whenever we’re eating. Even so, could we run away from fats and calories without putting away your favourite meal on the menu?

It’s a great thing that we have discovered effective running workouts that are immensely for fat burning. Are you ready to run and torch those unwelcome calories in your tum-tum?

Be that as it may, for some of us, all it takes in getting the motivation for a tough workout is a pair of shoes, some good music and a sufficient exercise area. Having said that, many require workout accessories to help us.

That’s why choosing the best workout accessories would be a big help.

Running Away from Fats and Calories? Try These 3 Effective Fat Burning Running Workouts

Tips to Lose Weight Whilst Running

I know, we all want to eat non-stop without gaining weights and welcoming fats in our bodies, but considering a healthy and balanced diet would be more effective. Not just that, we all should be aware of what should we eat before, during, and after our workouts.

These steps can also be applied in your running workouts. In our previous articles, we’ve talked about the healthy foods you should eat before, during, and after workouts.

The next time would be, of course, you have to follow your running routine that suits your fitness level. This will effectively help you to burn the maximum amount of calories in the shortest time possible.

Running Away from Fats and Calories? Try These 3 Effective Fat Burning Running Workouts

3 Effective Fat Burning Running Workouts

Running just requires a pair of your running shoes and your go-to workout accessories. Make sure to warm up well by running at a moderate pace for 10-15 minutes before you start your running workouts.

After your workout, jog at a slow pace for at least 10 minutes to cool down. The following exercises below are courtesy of Runtastic.

1. Aerobic Intervals

In this type of interval trainingthe ratio between work and recovery is 1 to 2. The intense phase should last a maximum of 30 seconds.

The work phase consists of a submaximal sprint and the recovery phase, a slow walk.

How to do it: The work phase lasts 20 seconds. You should run at a submaximal sprint (about 85-90% of your maximum sprint).

Fast, but not full gas. This is followed by a recovery phase consisting of 40 seconds of slow walking. Repeat this cycle for 20 minutes, or in other words, a total of 20 intervals.

It is important that you hold back a little during the first intervals. You will know that you have chosen the right pace when you can run the last sprint as fast as the first one.

2. Intervals At Your 5K Race Pace

In these intervals, the work and recovery periods are equal. You should run at the average pace of your 5k personal best.

If you don’t know this, you can adjust the intensity according to your heart rate. Calculate the maximum heart rate for your age group (220 minus your age) and take 90-95% of that value.

Note: Running intervals based on your maximum heart rate is not very precise. At the beginning of the work phase, your heart rate will continue to climb and won’t level off until 1 ½ – 2 minutes into your run.

Or in other words, it will take 1 ½ – 2 minutes for you to reach your calculated heart rate. That is also why it is better to run your intervals based on your race pace.

How to do it: The work phase lasts 4 minutes. You should run at the average pace of your 5k personal best.

This is followed by a recovery phase consisting of 4 minutes of slow jogging. Repeat the cycle 4 times, or in other words, run for a total of 32 minutes, 16 minutes of it at a fast pace.

3. Continuous Run At Your 10K Race Pace

In contrast to the intervals, you run at a constant pace throughout this training exercise. You should run at the average pace of your 10k personal best.

If you don’t know your 10k personal best, you can adjust the intensity according to your heart rate. Calculate the maximum heart rate for your age group (220 minus your age) and take 85-90% of that value.

How to do it: The work phase lasts 30 minutes. You should run at the average pace of your 10k personal best.

Note: Make sure to give your body plenty of recovery time. Wait at least 48 hours before doing your next intense training session.

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