Discover These 4 Exercises That Can Work Wonders To Your Abs

Last modified: October 9, 2018

Discover These 4 Exercises That Can Work Wonders To Your Abs



Vivotion Discover These 4 Exercises That Can Work Wonders To Your Abs Developing a six pack abs is more than just for aesthetic purpose. Once you achieve the stability of your core, you and your body will experience major benefits.  3770
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Discover These 4 Exercises That Can Work Wonders To Your Abs unnamed Developing a six pack abs is more than just for aesthetic purpose. Once you achieve the stability of your core, you and your body will experience major benefits. 

Discover These 4 Exercises That Can Work Wonders To Your Abs

Developing a six pack abs is more than just for aesthetic purpose. Once you achieve the stability of your core, you and your body will experience major benefits. 

Core stability is an excellent boost to your daily activities and sports performance. Some of its advantages are preventing back pain, developing a good posture, having a slimmer waistline, and improving the breathing process.

To achieve those six-pack abs, here are four workouts that you can do even at home. It will be better if you sport your best men’s workout shorts or men’s athletic shorts as you perform the following exercises.

1. X-Body Mountain Climber

Planks, sit-ups, and crunches can sometimes be boring. Meanwhile, a variation in training workouts can help develop different muscle groups. This exercise called X-body mountain climber can be a good game-changer.

How to do this: You will start with a high plank position. Your body must form a straight line coming from your ankles up to the head. The arms must be in a straight position while the wrists should be a little forward than the shoulder.

Draw your left knee towards your right elbow then go back to starting position. Do it next to your right knee and draw it to your left elbow.  Alternate in a faster pace.

2. Crab Kick

An excellent core exercise, crab kick involves raising an opposite hand to touch an opposite foot in mid-air.

How to do this: Starting position is sitting on the mat with hands under the shoulders and feet on the ground. Press your hands on the ground to lift your hips slightly. Just like the X-body mountain climber, alternate with your right hand and left foot and then left hand and right foot. Make sure you touch your foot by your hand and do it as fast as possible.

3. Windshield Wiper

From the name itself, you will look like a windshield wiper of the car in this ab workout.

How to do this: Go to a T position by lying on the floor, with your legs raised pointing to the ceiling. Move your legs down side to side like a windshield wiper but make sure it does not touch the floor. Rotate the hips without lifting your shoulders.

4. Squat Thrust

How to do this: Stand straight as your starting position, with your arms on the side while your feet slightly apart. Then lower your hips and sit like a frog, with your hands touching the floor. Kick your legs at the back and form a high plank position. Return to squat and then to starting position then repeat.

Note: You can perform these exercises for 30 seconds then follow it with a 15-second rest. Do it including the rest for five minutes. Aside from developing the muscles in your abdomen, these workouts can also improve balance, strength, and power. 

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