One of the hardest muscles to work out on is probably our abs, more specifically, our lower abs. We know the struggle of working out for the abs, and we sometimes feel like our efforts aren’t just enough to work that area out.
As claimed by a certified trainer, Amanda Butler, we need to train our whole body in order to lose weight and show our muscle definition. In our previous abs-related article, we talked about how having a strong abdominal contributes us to a healthy core.
Most of the gym-goers work their abs out to achieve that 6-pack abs look. However, for some, they do it to reduce their back pain, gives them a quality posture, a better balance and much many more.
Be that as it may, for some of us, all it takes in getting the motivation for a tough workout is a pair of shoes, some good music and a sufficient exercise area. Having said that, many require workout accessories to help us.
That’s why choosing the best workout accessories would be a big help. Your resistance band alone is not enough, so make sure you look for the best workout accessories that suit you.
The Lower-Ab Workout Routine
The lower-ab workout routine provided below must be performed for 30 seconds each exercise with 10 seconds of rest between moves. To complete the entire workout, you must do the routine 1 to 3 times.
To guide you throughout the routine, we have provided you with YouTube workout tutorials down below. Shall we begin?
Heel Tap Workout
To achieve this workout, squeezing your abdominals will help to raise your feet back up to table top. Below, we have provided you with a YouTube heel tap tutorial, courtesy of Sydney Cummings.
Mountain Climber
Mountain climber is a total body strength exercise that works all the muscles in your upper body, core, and lower body. Below, we have provided you with a YouTube heel tap tutorial, courtesy of Howcast.
By doing this exercise, make sure that you will not end up straining your neck. Below, we have provided you with a YouTube heel tap tutorial, courtesy of Howcast.
Straight Leg Raise
Before heading out to try this workout, ensure that you don’t have any pain in your lower back. If you do, then you can skip this part. Below, we have provided you with a YouTube heel tap tutorial, courtesy of LIVESTRONG.COM.
Roll Up
Below, we have provided you with a YouTube heel tap tutorial, courtesy of NYC Pilates Workouts.
Cross Body Climber
This workout is one of the effective ab-workout out there, so make sure not to skip this one. Below, we have provided you with a YouTube heel tap tutorial, courtesy of Fitwirr.
If you’re a beginner, this routine is ideal for you! Make sure to share this routine with your fitness buddies.
We hope these workouts will help you not only achieve the 6-pack abs look, but also to have a strong abdominal. Good luck on your fitness journey with Vivotion!