Not all of us have the time to go to the gym. Maybe you don’t have to go to the gym every day to sweat.
Perhaps it’s time for you to hit your favourite workout spot in your house this time! I do understand that not everyone has that luxury ‘time’ to hit the gym.
Most of the women tend to have less
But, girl, you don’t have to apply for an expensive gym membership just go get fit.But without some sweat at the gym or at home, you can’t have that dream body you want. You have to work hard to achieve your dream body.
Once you find that light of motivation you’ve been looking for, you can try this at-home Pilates workout routine that is perfect for beginners.
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But before you sweat and train insane, make sure that you’re wearing yourLet’s start our at-home Pilates workout routine, shall we?
What Is Pilates?
You might have heard of this method of exercise several times before, but you don’t have any idea what is it really about. In this article, we have provided an at-home Pilates workout routines for beginners.
Whether you’re a beginner or not, you are welcome and feel free to try the routines we’ve prepared for you down below. But first, let us know the meaning behind the intriguing word, Pilates.
One of the reasons why Pilates is famous up to this day is because it develops the core strength, stability, and flexibility. This aims to strengthen your body with particular emphasis on core strength to improve your general fitness and wellbeing.
According to NHS, Pilates was developed by German-born Joseph Pilates, who believed mental and physical health were closely connected. His method was influenced by western forms of exercise, including gymnastics, boxing and Greco-Roman wrestling.
Pilates immigrated to the US in the 1920s and opened a studio in New York, where he taught his method, which he called “Contrology” – for several decades.
Promising Benefits
- A mind-body workout
- Improves posture
- Tones muscle
- Relieves stress and tension
- Balance and Joint mobility
- Conditions body
- Improves sports performance
- Prevent injuries
At-Home Pilates Workout Routine
“Just because you slow down doesn’t mean your workout isn’t effective,” explains Dani Busko, senior Pilates instructor at Equinox SoHo in New York City. Try this at-home Pilates routine that will tighten and tone your entire body courtesy of Health.
1. Half-Roll Down
How to do it: Begin seated with knees bent, heels on the floor, and hands-on sides of thighs. Exhale and pull abs in toward spine, tilt pelvis so low back is pressing to the floor and small of the back is the leader.
Then roll down one vertebra at a time until lower back touches the floor. Exhale, and engage hamstrings, squeeze glutes, and hollow the belly to roll back up to start.
Do 8 reps.

2. Glute Bridge
How to do it: Lie faceup with knees bent and arms at sides, palms face down. Push into arms, tuck hips, and roll up, starting with the small of the back and ending with hips.
Starting with the ribs, slowly lower back down. Do 8 reps.

3. Standing Side Kick Series
How to do it: Stand with left foot on a yoga block and right foot on the floor. Step to lift right foot up; keep left knee soft.
Keeping shoulders down and back, flex foot and extend right leg forward. Squeeze butt to pull the leg back.
Do 8 to 10 reps. Next, circle leg clockwise for 8 to 10 reps, and then counterclockwise for 8 to 10 reps.
Repeat entire series on opposite leg.

4. Side Plank
How to do it: Start in plank with shoulders over arms and abs tight. Move left hand in toward right; pivot feet, left foot behind right, rotating body to the right.
Keep hips lifted and extend the left hand up; hold for 10 seconds. Return to the beginning; repeat on left. Do 8 reps per side.

5. Lower Lift
How to do it: Lie faceup with knees bent and feet on the floor. Make a diamond with hands and place them under butt, palms down.
Lift legs straight up, place heels together, and allow knees to turn outward, forming a diamond with legs. Pull abs in toward the spine, press into hands, exhale air out of the belly, and lower legs to 45 degrees.
Raise legs back up to start. Do 8 reps.

6. Criss-Cross
How to do it: Lie faceup with knees in table top position and hands on head, elbows forward. Crunch up to bring elbows to knees. Hold position and shift elbows out to sides; twist left elbow toward the centre of the body while bringing right knee into touch.
Return to B; repeat on other side. Do 8 reps per side.

7. Pilates Pushup
How to do it: Start in a plank with elbows stacked over hands and abs tight; squeeze inner thighs. Bend elbows and lower down as far as possible without touching chest to the ground.
Push back up. Do 8 reps.

Too easy? Why not try out this Arnold Schwarzenegger workout routine.